Love your evolution
Love what you are and what you can become with a new look or a new hair color, but also at different ages, and all the changes you experience in life. Discover ALFAPARF MILANO PROFESSIONAL New Collection.
Now, more than ever, we want to move forward.
But that doesn’t have to mean radical change, or upheaval.
What we need can be summed up in one word: evolution.

Our Global Creative Director Rudy Mostarda
The collection's looks
Discover all the cutting and colour secrets devised by our
Global Creative Director Rudy Mostarda.
Beyond the looks
Star in the new Alfaparf Milano Professional Campaign!
Create a look that expresses your concept of evolution, take a photo and share it on Instagram.
Always mention @alfaparfmilanopro and tag #loveyourevolution in your post. You’ll have the chance to see your work published on our official profiles!
Remember to use and follow the hashtag #alfaparfpeople to join our international hairstylist community.
Your salon can join the ALFAPARF MILANO PROFESSIONAL network - a guarantee of quality and excellence. Find out how to join the Officina del Colore program or fill out the form to contact one of our agents.